Month – 9月 2014

【ラッキークラフトUSA】LC 3.5 & 4.5 DRS / Brent Ehrler / 2014 ICAST


2014/09/02 に公開

Lucky Craft Pro Staff Brent Ehrler introduces LC 3.5 & 4.5 DRS at the 2014 ICAST show in Florida. Deep Rattle Sound or DRS refers to a single knocker internal rattle. Using a single knocker in the bait make a “click-click-click” sound instead of the “sh-sh-sh” sound made by BB style rattles. More and more professional anglers are turning to the single rattle style baits. Team Lucky Craft member Brent Ehrler uses DRS, “I love the LC DRS baits. For me it’s a much more effective rattle than the standard BB rattles. With years of trial and error, visually seeing fish react to different baits has taught me that the single knock baits catch more big fish.”



2014/09/04 に公開

Pesca Mania(ペスカマニア)第10回は、コザッキーこと小﨑圭一朗が岐阜県・養老エリ­アに挑む!

【ラッキークラフトUSA】LC1.5 Spin / Brent Ehrler / 2014 ICAST


2014/09/02 に公開

Lucky Craft Pro Staff Brent Ehrler introduces LC1.5 Spin at the 2014 ICAST show in Florida. The moment a square bill crank bait works its best is when it is at a covered area, it shows the “deflective action”. So we concentrated on this “deflective action” that attracts bass to bite. We then were able to create this new crankbait called the “LC 1.5 Spin”. Just by retrieving, the blade automatically rotates, hits the tail hook and loses it balance which creates the “hunting action”. The “LC 1.5 Spin” has a high reconstruction swimming capability in avoiding unnecessary trouble such as line tangling. Also from its rotating blade, it creates shine & vibration to attract bass.

SPAWNER(スポーナー)バスフィッシング情報 © 2014